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ApplesxandxCinnamon t1_j2a8ch5 wrote

Been NC with my parents for 2.5 years.

Blocked them, changed my number, moved on.

One of them emailed me once. I printed out her email and kept it as a reminder of why I'm NC with her. But I never replied. No matter how many times they tried to contact me and what avenues they used, I never replied.

Eventually they stopped altogether.

ANY reply is going to make them continue, bc now they know if they pester you hard enough they'll get a response out of you.

Don't respond.


ThrowRArandomnumberz OP t1_j2fincn wrote

Thank you for this. I blocked their number today. It's hard because I think deep down inside no matter how old we get, we just want our parents to love us.


ApplesxandxCinnamon t1_j2fjitc wrote

You're right and it absolutely sucks that they don't. That is a wound I don't think will ever actually heal.

I'm OK with it now. I'm pretty happy. But I'm still going through therapy so sometimes I will uncover traumatic shit they did to me and the wound comes open again. And I'll hate them and cry and be depressed and wonder what I did wrong. Why couldn't they just love me?

The fault isn't with me. It's with them. They're incapable of being anything other than abusive and toxic. I don't need that in my life. No one does.

If we truly want happiness and peace, we can't have people like this in our lives. Even if they're our parents.