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ThrowRAbeachwalk OP t1_j2fh23s wrote

Not really no. He seemed a bit off in the car before, but when I asked he said he was good and fine


peakpenguins t1_j2fh761 wrote

Probably the best case scenario here is that he was actually upset about something else and took it out on you. Because if that's not the case, then he was just being an ass for no reason.


ThrowRAbeachwalk OP t1_j2fhe5c wrote

Should I bring it up again with him and ask? Or drop it and forget it


peakpenguins t1_j2fhkae wrote

Up to you.. Personally at 7 months in, I'd want to have a conversation about it to find out whether he's willing to actually listen to and understand your feelings and to communicate his own. If he's not, I'd consider that a big red flag.


ThrowRAbeachwalk OP t1_j2fi7oz wrote

Fair enough , thanks for the advice


[deleted] t1_j2fjyzr wrote

Yea, it’s not necessarily about the walk itself. But how he’s going to handle you bringing up the situation. Does he seem to listen? Like really listen? Take account of your feelings and apologize and say to work on it or have a conversation to come to an understanding? If so then that’s good. If he’s dismissive and short, or tells you you’re “overreacting” or being “dramatic” HUGE red flag and dump his ass. Partners need to be able to bring up their feelings with one another, no matter the context. If he dismisses that then he’s not worth your time.


Highest-Adjudicator t1_j2fhkc4 wrote

He clearly isn’t ready to talk about it yet so give him some time and then gently ask him to tell you what’s bothering him.


Highest-Adjudicator t1_j2fhd6z wrote

Something was obviously bothering him then, he was lying when he said he was fine.


ThrowRAbeachwalk OP t1_j2fhgnr wrote

Do I forget about it? Or should I figure out what was going on?


Highest-Adjudicator t1_j2fhx6u wrote

You should probably figure out what’s going on but don’t rush it he obviously isn’t ready to talk about it yet. Give him some time before you ask again