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Forsaken_Woodpecker1 t1_j2fpcs5 wrote

Oh girl.

Throw this one back.

I mean, I guess you have a slim chance. I’m being really serious here. If he’s offended by telling the truth about his mother, it’s not a good sign.

For your own self, if you haven’t already, I’m repeating the advice to read r/justnoMIL.

Read a lot of stories there, sort by best, and read the histories of people with lots of posts.

JustnoMILs are shockingly alike. And their sons have very few variations - there are basically three types: the ones who never bought their moms bs, the ones who bought it until they grew up and realized that mom’s not as right as she thinks, and the biggest group is the ones who never break free of that storyline.

Unfortunately, it seems that if bf doesn’t break free of her web early on, it gets less and less likely to happen with any meaningful changes.

Im really serous that you need to protect yourself from her, and if he won’t do it now, he might never do it. But don’t take my word for it, read justnomil for literally hundreds and hundreds of stories that start out exactly like yours.

Good luck, internet stranger. You have some choices to make, and a lot of hard honesty with yourself coming in. Do not get pregnant with this man unless he likely and vocally sides with you. Do not accept anything less, and do not subject children to the mess she will create with them.

Go. Read. Be careful.


the-friendly-squid OP t1_j2fpk5e wrote

Thank you so much for the heads up and I will check out that subreddit. Those 3 descriptions sound accurate because his brother is the type that never bought the BS, whereas he is the one that takes it to heart.