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ApplesxandxCinnamon t1_j29berg wrote

This is so bizarre.

I know some people are ashamed of masturbating. I know why. But dude you literally caught her with her hand in the cookie jar and she denied it to the point that you think you're developing a mental illness.

That is beyond concerning. That is giant red flag waving in the wind while nuclear explosions go off in the background.

And she's choosing this as her hill to die on? She's willing to risk her relationship over this?

You said this behavior aligns with other narcissistic traits. If this is true and it's enough for you to think you need to end it, then end it.

I personally would not marry anyone who gaslights me, especially over sex.


ContextTypical t1_j2ao4j2 wrote

Perfectly stated. If I were her partner I’d never believe a word she said. What other not so obvious things could she be so comfortable lying about? Soooo weird! I could never marry a person like this.


Lady_Looshkin t1_j2bqvwq wrote

Cookie jar is an excellent name for a vagina. 😂

Jokes aside, I completely agree. If she will lie and gaslight about something like this, how are you expected to trust her with bigger things going forward? What won't she lie about and how could you ever trust that she was being truthful? I personally couldn't live that way, best of luck to OP moving forward.


JuliaHowells t1_j2c2sjy wrote

If she’s going to lie about this, what else is she going to lie about. This is wild!