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patticakes86 t1_j2cukv7 wrote

Thanks for this. I had an ex pull this on me and question me about what I was doing at night. I'd wake up to him saying things like what Op is saying to his fiance and I'd be like "wtf are you talking about?" I do struggle with sleep issues, insomnia & sleep apnea so if I'm doing something when I'm dead ass asleep, I really am oblivious. He refused to believe I had no idea and kept pressing me to where I just felt....gross about it and super defensive cause how do I defend sleep?!? Anyways, he's an ex for some other reasons but that really made a big impact on my respect for him that he'd choose to keep shaming me vs just drop it. I sleep alone again so if I still do it, I wouldn't know and quite frankly, idgaf if it still happens so long as I am sleeping ok.