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chefwalleye t1_j6nhf11 wrote

You were ripping people off when you were 19 then. Servers hate teenagers for this reason. Their mommy and daddy’s give them money to go out and then they pocket every cent they can to go party. If you can’t afford to tip, you can’t afford the bill.


lucketta t1_j6o6532 wrote

Holy shit you Americans are bizarre. I need to pay my food and the restaurant pays the servers. The stuff you got going there is just bonkers. Paying 20% of my bill to a employee of the restaurant or be mistreated is beyond crazy.


chefwalleye t1_j6o7re7 wrote

Do you think we chose this system or even have the power to change it? I agree. It’s not logical or productive. But, refusing to tip only hurts the workers and doesn’t change the system. Most Americans that are here to complain about the system are really just cheap and don’t want to pay for anything. If we didn’t have tipping, food prices would increase. Americans can’t handle that either.


lucketta t1_j6oa375 wrote

Of course you, as a country, chose this system. And of course you or anyone else as a person doesn’t have the power to change it.

That’s irrelevant tho. And for the rest of the world it just feel like you are being ripped off. If someone came to my country and ordered something in my business and I told them that beside my product/service they would have to pay my employees wages too I don’t imagine it would be pretty.


chefwalleye t1_j6pdwmm wrote

You’re right. I forgot about when we all voted for tipping culture. Tipping culture is ridiculous and if I could change it I would. Is this honesty the only thing you have to feel superior about? You’re restating the most common complaints about a universally disparaged and outdated system like it’s some kind of revelation.