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Carson_Frost OP t1_j6m592g wrote

Yes, but any info is good info in my book


ChocolateChouxCream t1_j6m5bkv wrote

This is just you trying to justify you staying around with her. I'm saying it's your choice to be around her, just know that you'll be a backup option.


Carson_Frost OP t1_j6m5irn wrote

I'm fine with being a backup option, even if I have to wait. Plus even with my background I still wouldn't be able to block her and remove her if I wanted to.


ChocolateChouxCream t1_j6m5tdj wrote

Up to you. Definitely the self destructive option and will lead to self esteem issues. Waiting for someone who doesn't like you back is dumb.


Carson_Frost OP t1_j6m60kl wrote

Agreed but, I've lived through horrible things and am numb at this point, my self esteem died years ago along with my father and girlfriend.


ChocolateChouxCream t1_j6m63a1 wrote

I'm so sorry to hear that happened. My condolences.

Please get yourself help with therapy rather than resign yourself to a life of no self worth. You can be someone's first choice too.


Carson_Frost OP t1_j6m69gy wrote

I've already aligned myself being in my last semester of my first year of college and being in the air force I couldn't be more aligned and set on a straight path I'm just trying to aquire my crush along the way, and thank you once again.


ChocolateChouxCream t1_j6m6ik8 wrote

Also keep in my mind what your lack of self esteem would do to a partner even if she agreed to be with you. It doesn't make for a healthy relationship.


Carson_Frost OP t1_j6m6tpf wrote

As a very planned an intricate individual, I have kept that in mind, but it's funny because she has given me an unreal amount of self esteem via advice and by just existing. My parents don't understand how she gets me to smile so much by just existing in the room.


Carson_Frost OP t1_j6m62o0 wrote

And if you haven't seen my edit to the post I appreciate your comments, anything helps.