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According-Witness-41 t1_j6nfnyr wrote

I know I can get irrational and messy, im only a person. I still have growing to do, and I shouldn’t have acted prematurely. So some portion of blame is definitely on me. But can I forgive her? Is it a bad idea if I do? Or can only I answer that?


Bryanormike t1_j6nh3ax wrote

You are being played here. Yes it does sound like you may have handled it a bit immaturely but it doesn't change that she's playing you.


According-Witness-41 t1_j6ni7cb wrote

Assuming what she said is true about why she did it and the apologies that followed why is she still playing me? Am I just too blind to see it? She could be genuine and this is just a mistake from her. I know I’m sounding like I’m grasping for straws but the truth is I’m lost here.


Bryanormike t1_j6nl5f2 wrote

She only confessed to you because she realized she was caught. She did not do it because it's about trust or because she wants you to trust her more, or she would've brought it up initially or when first confronted.

You specifically mentioned she originally doubled down. Then, when you revealed evidence/proof, she was lying suddenly she was lying to avoid having that conversation with you.

As the other person said. If you hadn't confronted her about this she would've been fine and happy lying to your face about this.

I'm not saying she would've cheated on you or not. But she wants you to trust her when she blatantly lied to your face multiple times. She's playing you.

It's like someone stabbing you in the back. You turn around and they have a knife in their back and they tell you to turn around. They promise they won't stab you again. It doesn't make sense.

Btw the more I read it your did handle it very immaturely, but it still doesn't change that she's playing you.


According-Witness-41 t1_j6nm7yl wrote

Yeah. I was one of those people who was childish and insecure, it was a very instant reaction and I regret it, because the reason why I was mad about her handing it to him in the first place had a perfectly fine explanation I was okay with.


dEftPunk_ t1_j6nkvi2 wrote

Long distance relationship, plus she has cheated before and now she's keeping potential side dudes on IG? Do you want some more red with that flag?

Woman here telling you... Run for the hills.


Lord_Swaglington_III t1_j6nr498 wrote

Here’s the thing: it isn’t true. It doesn’t make sense and “I wanted to avoid this conversation” just means “I don’t care about your feelings.”