Submitted by Momo_Senpai09 t3_10qcww7 in relationship_advice

My GF (25F) and I (27F) have been dating for 7 years and have no kids. We live together at a relatives house. Since the beginning of the year she has been going out every night (5/6 days out of the week) after work with friends and not coming home until 2 or 3am. We've always told each other when we were going out with friends ahead of time so that the other person could know and make their own plans if they wanted. Lately, she hasn't bothered to message me or even let me know what time she'll be coming home. It seems like I am always waiting for her. Whenever I message, it takes an hour or two for her to respond and she will just say she'll be home "soon." And that always happens to be 3am. I feel disrespected because I would never to that to her and I feel like she just doesn't care. This has been happening for a month now and it's every night. Once she gets off work she goes straight to her friends and doesn't even bother to let me know, I have to be the one that calls her and ask her if she's coming home. There have even been a couple nights where she didn't come home and all and didn't bother to send me a message to let me know where she was and if she was okay. I worry because most of the time she is out drinking with friends and I want to make sure she is okay. I get upset because sometimes she will lie and say she'll only be out an hour or two and it turns into four or five. There have even been times where she says she's working overtime and I later find out she was partying instead.I've also texted her to see how work was going and says it's "busy" I later find out she had her shift covered and was out with her friends. She is out all night drinking with friends and once she comes home she goes straight to sleep and when it's time to wake up she goes straight to work. It's kind of hurtful to me because she can be out with friends every night and doesn't make time for me. I understand that she needs to hang out with her friends because I do too. I brought it up to her, but she says she's having the time of her life right now and has even mentioned she is a "free bird." I even brought up how she is acting like she's single. I say this because when she goes out to the club she flirts with other girls and has even gotten some of their numbers. She says I'm smothering her and being to clingy because I always ask where she is at. On her days off she is also gone all day, she comes home for a couple hours, then goes out at night. I’ve told her several times that I feel neglected and not a priority anymore and all she has to say is she loves me, but she is having fun right now. I also get upset because when it’s late at night and she is drinking her phone has been conveniently dying and I am not able to get a hold of her. She usually calls me around 10am and says sorry she was drunk and fell asleep at a friends house. I told her the least she could do since she’s out all day is come home to me at night. I have been bringing up the issue almost everyday and have said that it isn’t working for me. I don't know how to make her understand. Even though she tells me she loves me and wants to be with me her actions say otherwise. I don’t know how long I can keep this up for, I’m trying to understand her, but it feels like our relationship has been put on the back burner so she can have “fun.”



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kamjam16 t1_j6pc9ul wrote

I mean, it’s over. She doesn’t care about you and she’s doing everything in her power to show you she doesn’t care about you.

The only question in this entire scenario is why you’re still with her?


The_Crowley89 t1_j6pauqi wrote

Judge by actions and actions alone. No one gives a fuck about words or intentions. They are all meaningless in the face of actions.


failedopportunities t1_j6pgjob wrote

She’s acting single so make her single. She doesn’t care about you and is most certainly cheating on you. Don’t live like that. Kick her ass to the curb!


ReachTheSky t1_j6pf77b wrote

> I have been bringing up the issue almost everyday and have said that it isn’t working for me. I don't know how to make her understand.

What do you mean make her understand? Unless you're ranting to her in Cantonese, she obviously heard and understood your words and the meaning behind them. The real issue is that she understands but doesn't care and there's no way you can force her to start caring.

> Even though she tells me she loves me and wants to be with me her actions say otherwise.

When someone says one thing and does the opposite, it makes them a liar. Words can deceive but actions cannot. Actions speak louder than words.

> she says she's having the time of her life right now and has even mentioned she is a "free bird." I even brought up how she is acting like she's single. I say this because when she goes out to the club she flirts with other girls and has even gotten some of their numbers.

So in her mind, she's broken up with you. You're no longer together but she wont give you the common courtesy of saying so. Don't be surprised to learn that the nights she comes home very late or not at all are spent intimately with other women. I think it's high time that you move on as well.


SheWhoIsMe t1_j6pbtfr wrote

Your needs are being completely rejected. And f she's running like you say she is, she'll be an alcoholic soon enough, if not she is already.

I'd call it quits on this one.


MediumSpaces t1_j6pak31 wrote

It sounds like she's done with the relationship, it might not be a bad idea to take a break and see how you feel