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DuskShades t1_j6mtvv4 wrote

Pretty hefty defence against a box of thrown tissues.

If you can't see that this was equally bad on both sides...


victoraug19 t1_j6mu959 wrote

No it isn't, is not about the box is about he trying to leave and her stoping him and getting physical first. If she was trying to leave and he did the same thing this was not even going to be a discussion.


DuskShades t1_j6muvm9 wrote

Dude, they are just as bad as each other. He could have still left but chose not to. She could have not then been equally as aggressive when face to face.

Just because you feel that it's justified having a fight because of thrown tissues, doesn't mean it is. Tissues are scary huh.

Can gender swap or have it as whatever genders you want & I'll still think they're both at fault.


victoraug19 t1_j6mv3in wrote

Isn't that what he did? He was leaving she tried to stop him he removed her from his way and left.


DuskShades t1_j6mv8tw wrote

Read it again, doesn't say she was in his way.


victoraug19 t1_j6mvj7t wrote

If you interpret this as almost anyone would it's clear this is the case. Ask op, if she answer a comment that's not poor you we will know for sure.


DuskShades t1_j6mvptj wrote

Keep telling yourself whatever you want to justify being violent to others. It's sure not self defense...


Formal_Self_8191 OP t1_j6o6751 wrote

He isn’t supposed to drive at certain hours. He has an occupational license restricting him from doing so. I don’t want to jump on his back or yank on him to stop him, so idk why but I threw the tissues. Because the protective dog was between us and barking nonstop, I can barely yell loud enough over the barks. Then I walked up to him after throwing the tissues because the dog had moved at that point and asked for keys. He was facing the door and I was behind him. I was not between him and the door. He turned around and That’s when I was pushed into the closet and he held me there while yelling something. Idk what anymore.