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I_say_upliftingstuff t1_j6nkqzd wrote

Assuming you were bullied, would a letter something a lot the lines of this be SO bad?

“This isn’t about me, but I was unkind to you back in (x) and I want so badly to apologize to you for my cruelty. It was never an issue with you, but it was born my own shortcomings. You don’t need to respond to this message and I’d understand if you don’t forgive me. I sincerely wish you well.”

Would that really upset you? Is that really a statement from “an annoying insect”?

Seems kind of shallow


UnsightlyFuzz t1_j6odbjq wrote

I guess there's nothing I can say in reply to your post, that doesn't make me look kind of shallow. Ironically, I feel a little bullied here.


I_say_upliftingstuff t1_j6oikni wrote

I’m genuinely sorry that you feel bullied. Not my intent at all.

Just challenging the narrative that someone who feels genuine remorse for their pst actions would be reduced to “an annoying insect”

That’s all.