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Not-The-AlQaeda t1_j6c88y7 wrote

You already know the answer. You're just finding it hard to accept it. I'll just say that you should go with your gut. Personally, I'm in an LDR, and I knownI wouldn't continue it if my SO did this.


asdfghjklllllll15 OP t1_j6cab7v wrote

Yeah, fair. My gut says give her one more chance, and see where it goes.


UKNZ007Tubbs t1_j6ceucg wrote

No more chances.

She used several already - lying, gaslighting, emotional cheating, and based on her text’s probably physical cheating.

Just end it and find someone who will not cheat.


eyecicey t1_j6cp9ra wrote

Yeah your gut is going to get you into a world of hurt

LDR requires 100% trust in a partner and that is lost now.