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Forsaken_Woodpecker1 t1_j6nph0i wrote


Info: where did you meet him?


Valuable_Zucchini_97 OP t1_j6npkwk wrote

At work 🙃


Forsaken_Woodpecker1 t1_j6o12d4 wrote

Well then, you’re perfectly aware that he has a pattern of behavior.

I’m not going to shit on you for being the other woman. I’m sure plenty of other people will, and whether you deserve it or not isn’t for any of us to say. I’m not here for that, I’m genuinely hoping that you learn something and protect yourself.

The fact is that he’s repeating a behavior.

You know it, he knows it, and maybe she knows it. What she knows or does is totally irrelevant, what matters here is what you do, and what he does.

You have to first understand and truly accept that cheaters cheat. Liars lie. Everyone thinks that because they’re aware of it, they can’t become a victim of it, “I know they lied to you, but they won’t lie to me.”

All bullshit. We tell ourselves this for some reason, but it’s not beneficial, or true.

Liars lie. Cheaters cheat.

He’s already treating you the way he probably treated his ex. This cycle has started for him, and it’s unlikely to end.

You can’t stop it. Why? Because there’s nothing in the world that can keep a cheater from cheating. They’ll find someone to have sex with, and if you deny them access to one person, they’ll only go find another.

Because as the other woman, we love to tell ourselves that they would otherwise be a perfect partner, but they just found their true love with us, and their old relationship was simply not enough, right? We’re so uniquely connected that it was only right for him to come to you.

And the realization that he doesn’t think the same way, we’ll that sucks for you.

But the point is, there’s nothing you can do to make a faithful man cheat, and nothing you can do to make an unfaithful man faithful. There’s no one so beautiful, so cool, so accomplished, that they can’t be cheated on. There’s no level of control that will keep a cheater from cheating.

You’re fighting a losing battle. Stop fighting. There’s nothing like insecurity and attempts to control that will drive away a cheater faster.

If there’s nothing to worry about, then nothing you do will change anything, and if he’s going to cheat, then nothing you do can stop him.


He’s lying to you. He’s being deceptive in action. He’s verbally abusive. He’s doing all kinds of things to show you how little he cares. Why are you fighting for this relationship?


Valuable_Zucchini_97 OP t1_j6o6ayx wrote

I think you hit the nail on the head with me feeling like he fell in love with the wrong person. So when he said he wanted to be with me and divorce her, I believed him. Well they didn't get divorced for another 2 years. And I stuck around like am idiot. Because he made me believe that we were meant to be together. So why am I fighting for this? I guess because I truly believed him when he gave me his reasons for cheating, when I told me I was all he wanted. If I could go back I would change a lot because I didn't realize how much I was being used. But then I use the excuse that it was the situations fault not his fault which is why I stuck around. I appreciate you taking the time to respond. I know be isn't the person he pretends to be. It's just hard excepting that.


Forsaken_Woodpecker1 t1_j6p1e7i wrote

You're gong to be fine, just don't forget the way you feel right now. He's going to try to convince you to stay, that things will be different, he's learned, blah blah blah. You know that you're better off without him.