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triaxisman t1_j6nyprp wrote

Email him, if in person discussions are hard. “Please forgive me for doing this over email, but I struggle sometimes to find the right words when in person, so I thought this would work best. I just want you to know I’m really struggling, and though my grades haven’t suffered yet, it feels like my projects are the worst in the class and the embarrassment I feel from this makes it really hard to summon the courage to go to class at times. You’re such a great teacher I’m just struggling with my performance. I’ve scheduled help from a mental health counselor already, but if there’s anything you might suggest that could help with this too, I’d appreciate any guidance or support you’d be willing to offer or provide.”


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YourRAResource t1_j6nykjf wrote

What is the class overall grade based on? You said none of your assignments have gotten a grade lower than an A-. Does that include the projects you don't feel are "good enough?" Is attendance factored into the grade?

If it is, you need to stop cutting class. If it's not, you should still stop cutting class, but realize you're creating a problem where one doesn't exist. You're projecting your insecurities onto your projects. Why would you assume your professor inherently feels bad for you and would give you good grades? There's no need for you to be e-mailing him explaining yourself unless you literally need to.

So the advice is to talk to that counselor first and foremost. This is entirely about your self-esteem and insecurities. There's no need to meet with him. Good luck.


103019 t1_j6nyww3 wrote

The overall grade is heavily based on the assignments, but my school does have a policy where lack of attendance can impact your grade. Although, he has been fairly lenient about it, as have other professors. I still want to stop skipping though.