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missiemiss t1_j6my6jj wrote

Because he’s not over her - he still feels for her and her plight. He’s got his hand in many honey pots - maybe she went back home because her visa was up - if you don’t work on a work visa you go home / if you don’t got to school on an education visa you go home. Are you sure he is telling you the truth about this?


ThrowRA-wwydiw OP t1_j6myqgy wrote

Yeah the whole situation was a nightmare. My concern is really that I think she is using him too. I’m not mad at the girl I mean to her, somebody else’s boyfriend is giving handouts?!! Hell yeah! I mean shit who wouldn’t take advantage😂 but I think she might’ve lied to him or mislead him…she said her family was dying and stuck there in Peru, then I do some digging and find out they are absolutely fine in America.


kitkatquak t1_j6n02cy wrote

Who cares what she said. He’s the idiot that’s falling for it. He doesn’t respect you


missiemiss t1_j6n0jrl wrote

Either way hun this guys seems like a fool and a tool. Is this really what you want? Try finding a man who has it together and only eyes for you. You deserve better - this guy ain’t it.