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yellowdog898 t1_j6mhzrv wrote

She will again and too young. My recommendation


eqsposed t1_j6mj5o5 wrote

Have some self respect bro. SHES FOR THR STREETS


Pricklypicklepump t1_j6mjwut wrote

Speaking from experience, she is 100% more likely to cheat if you take her back.

If you don't respect yourself, why would she respect you?

End this and every single relationship where cheating is involved. If you were married 21 years, I'd still give you the same advice.


ExpensiveEntrance2 t1_j6mjh7k wrote

If you take her back then you're telling her that cheating isn't a deal breaker.....cheating should always be a deal breaker


Turbulent_Fee_940 t1_j6mikck wrote

Even if she never cheats again is it something you could believe? Are you going to worry every time she’s out without you? If you answered yes then maybe you should find a new gf. You’re young, you’ll land on your feet.


lonewolf369963 t1_j6mks03 wrote

If you want to go through the pain of being betrayed again then reconcile


CollectionMost9526 t1_j6mmfkm wrote

Nah, don’t entertain the idea of getting back with her. Being cheated on his highly disrespectful to yourself and if I were you I’d really reconsider if you could actually forgive her. Needless to say you’re 21, why carry on with someone who disrespects you. You should probably have an onto the next mentality at this point in your life.


Redd_81 t1_j6mnitb wrote

There will be a point, it may be 1 year... 5 years....10 years.... from now when you will look back to this moment and ask yourself 'Why the fuck did I take her back?'

Hopefully, it will be before kids, marriage, and a mortgage are in the mix. But who knows...


hshsgdve t1_j6mnczl wrote

If you get back with her, she’s more likely to cheat than she was the first time. She will also see you a lesser man.


spiteful_rr_dm_TA t1_j6mosz7 wrote

She is young and so are you. Cut the turd loose and move on. Or stay and get cheated on again and again. Cheating is a character flaw, something has to be broken inside a person to cheat


CuriousOdity12345 t1_j6n0j4b wrote

You are too young and handsome (but not as much as me) to stay with a cheater.


vndin t1_j6n161q wrote

Forgiving her will tell her its ok for her to do so again bc u wont have the nerve to do anything about it. She made her choice when she cheated... u deserve better

Do u want to live forever worrying about who shes around and working with?


canadianbriguy1 t1_j6n5beq wrote

Reddit overwhelmingly says no, but there are couples that come back from this. Don’t just outright forgive and pretend it didn’t happen though. If nothing changes then yes, it’s very likely to happen again and easier this time. You need to have a long or series of talks. She needs to find out why she would do this. Then is this something that can be fixed? She will need to understand that she needs to regain your trust. That may take a long time, it might never happen. You need to put things in place to be able to trust again. Open phone policy? No partying if you or someone you 100% trust are not with her? Whatever it takes to make you feel safe in the relationship. You take the opportunity to better yourself as well. This isn’t your fault but a wake up not to get too comfortable in the relationship until she can make you feel confident. Work on you, and the relationship will improve for it, and if not you will be better for it. She has to know these are take it or leave it options. If she’s not willing to accept she needs to change a lot, then it’s time to walk away. Your relationship ended when she cheated. Look at this as trying to build a new one or walking. Don’t try to just carry on where you left off. It’s ok to forgive and try again. It’s ok to walk away.


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Smart-Deer-72 t1_j6n1en3 wrote

You're 21. Go have fun and dont be worried about relationships. Don't ever take back a cheater.


Murky_Anxiety4884 t1_j6mm1on wrote

It's possible. A lot will depend on how and why the cheating happened.