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BlueBelle2019 t1_j6p7xdt wrote

She just got here. She doesn’t want to commit to anything too fast and too soon. She wants to go out and have fun and explore her new city.

This likely has nothing to do with you.


benzodiazepine_ OP t1_j6p8qux wrote

Yea i realized what i did wrong and i'm still mad at myself. i screwed the entire thing and she was so sweet


BlueBelle2019 t1_j6p8zf3 wrote

You didn’t do anything wrong! You told her you had a nice time and would like to see her again. That was perfect! That’s why I say it’s about her and not you.

You didn’t do anything wrong!


benzodiazepine_ OP t1_j6pb8cp wrote

I knew about her situation. She was always make me feel that she's so new here and came from small town in Italy. I was aware but nevertheless played the game wrong