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DancyElephant12 t1_j9c1oq3 wrote

I don’t think Richmond qualifies as a “college town” unless we’ve changed the definition to include a capital city that happens to have a college in it.

Charlottesville fits the bill because UVA and the town are almost synonymous; I don’t think that applies here, even while acknowledging that VCU has bought up a decent portion of part of the city.

I have a feeling this thread isn’t really going to include the types of places that the original tweet was defining and will be mostly places that people find fit the first four adjectives.


salawm t1_j9c5uwt wrote

The level of insight into Reddit within this comment is dissertation level.


Also, The Fancy Biscuit.


djc8 t1_j9cgnbd wrote

You think? I’ve been out of the city a few years so the quality could have dropped but I really enjoyed everything I tried there


ragingrandyrivers t1_j9c5qhx wrote

Richmond itself isn’t a college town but the Monroe park area is kinda like a college town within a larger city just because VCU owns so much of that area


OMGEntitlement t1_j9cbtju wrote

I feel like VCU, VUU, UofR and JSarge all being so close in qualify it.


Adoniram1733 t1_j9cchuh wrote

Richmond is a big city, so of course not all of it is college towny.

But if you live in the fan, yes, this is a college town.


achilidogmom t1_j9g2uif wrote

My only qualm with this thread and I agree to the above statement. As a person from Radford now living in Richmond this is accurate, Radford & VT &UVA solely keep those towns they are in alive. VCU/VUU/Richmond dropped out of the city they would still be a city with large employment opportunities. Soooo hard agree Richmond isn’t a college town - it’s a city with colleges within.


BendThen5412 t1_j9fni4a wrote

You know the city of Richmond has more than one college/university in it don’t you?
