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twelvesteprevenge t1_j9dnl2c wrote

Lol at Bernie still kicking it around Cap Ale. She was one of the inaugural crew w me way back in 2002 or so when they first opened downtown. I should’ve known when I showed up for training and it was actually “help us paint the whole restaurant for minimum wage and hot dogs” to just keep walking. Matt was such a tool.


rabit_stroker t1_j9f9577 wrote

I was hired as management at the end of 2021. Worked there for 4 months. During that time they refused to hire any hourlies and regularly ran shifts with 2 line cooks, no dishwasher, and a km on a 6 station line on busy nights. They had ads up and people regularly applying. I'm convinced it was their way of making up for having to pay competitive salaries to managers. And guess what? They're still posting for the same management position every month on indeed. Its full of miserable people with the "crabs in a barrel mentality". I hated that place, worst restaurant I've worked in in my 20 yr career

Edit: the worst part was during my tenure they discovered a convicted sex offender worked for them and had been being inappropriate with the underage hostesses but since they were so understaffed they decided to let him finish out the week while they figured how to fill his 40 hr. These hostesses were so creeped out one of them googled him and found him on the sex offender registry which said he hadn't registered in years and there was a warrant out for his arrest. His charges include carnal knowledge of a child under 16. This was a 55+ year old man. They let this dude finish out the week even after these girls brought this to their attention. I was in the process of interviewing at a new place and was hired right around this time and was so relieved to be out of that shithole. I have many other stories of why that's a garbage company run by garbage people


Murky_Pack9675 t1_j9n66rl wrote

Holy shit. Had a feeling.

I remember way back when…when this was the place to get to try different beers than the status quo. There were no microbreweries, or breweries with restaurants really, other than Legend and Richbrau (the original). CAH was the place to go. It’s gone super downhill. They’ve tried to continue to follow their same path as before, but times have changed and they’re not keeping up with the changes.

If they don’t pivot soon and fix the food and the service/management and promote the F out of what could be a great music scene: they will go out of business. Which is a shame.