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mxbike_edits t1_j8r4u3d wrote

Vegans ruining everything


lostspyder t1_j8rfqz2 wrote

Us vegoons are coming for you and everything you’ve ever loved,


Turtlethymes t1_j8ruyao wrote

Yes, blame it on the vegans. 🙄


mxbike_edits t1_j8rvcnj wrote

Vegans are the ones who are deluded. 200,000 years of evolution doesn't lie.


hissing_mosquito t1_j8rwnzj wrote

Take your triggered self somewhere else.


mxbike_edits t1_j8s1o4w wrote

Y'all are too damn emotional.. y'all need some meat to make yourself more logical


hissing_mosquito t1_j8s3vmx wrote

I do eat meat. You’re the one who came in crying to the comments because you can’t stand to see the word vegan anywhere without throwing a tantrum.


mxbike_edits t1_j8s7ous wrote

You're gonna make me cry if you keep calling me out 😭
