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exposechefjohnny t1_j9lrq1r wrote

Lol you have to attack me because you're a weak pedo sympathizer. My feelings are so hurt! You really got me there, bud. I also recanted and applauded the mods later because I know when to admit when I'm wrong. Perhaps you should try it.


ttd_76 t1_j9mjot2 wrote

Fuck you. So far you've implied that I am unsafe around children, that I have secret pedophilia tendencies, or that I must be a friend of John Maher.


exposechefjohnny t1_j9n0mz5 wrote

No thanks, I don't fuck pedo sympathizers.

But in all seriousness, the only reason I've been coming after you is because you keep arguing to lessen the repercussions of the heinous offense here without once acknowledging the real victims of this type of crime. It is such a terrible hill to die on.

You keep comparing a crime that exploits, traffics and harms children to things like drug use and music pirating and frankly it's absolutely appalling and asinine.

Myself and others in this thread have brought you many reasonable rebuttals and you just ignore them and keep doubling down. I even threw you a bone by saying that as disgusting as I find it, I don't think that mere attraction to children should be illegal (which it is not.) But as soon as you start downloading and/or distributing imagery of children being sexually assaulted, even if it is just one photo (it wasn't here), you deserve to be punished to the fullest extent of the law.


ttd_76 t1_j9n7kdk wrote

These sentences are not doing a single thing to stop sexual abuse of children.

Fuck you.