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Diet_Coke t1_j9d232p wrote

The point of the Broad St Bullies and Critical Mass taking over the street is that it's an inconvenience to drivers for like 10 minutes once per week, but that's how the roads feel for cyclists every other minute of the week.


iwearlederhosen t1_j9d7tor wrote

They do nothing for reform while they "bully" everyone including pedestrians trying to cross the street with the laws. I've been stuck trying to walk across with the signal with these d bags while they play 'activist".


Diet_Coke t1_j9d8dp0 wrote

Oh man, that must have been so terrible having to stand in one spot for five or so minutes, I'm glad you made it through that atrocious behavior


iwearlederhosen t1_j9d9b4f wrote

Yes it was an inconvenience, especially considering if it was supposedly for my, as a pedestrian, benefit. I previously watched someone walk with the crosswalk thru the dicks running the light and thankfully they were unharmed but one of the cyclists tripped themselves up and crashed avoiding them. It does neither any benefit to do lawless things like this


pumicepickle t1_j9dk9g3 wrote

I've had to wait as a pedestrian (with a bike, I was new in town and didn't understand why 200 cyclists were all biking together) and several people shouted out to me to join them. Kids, families, teens, grandparents, college peeps, all having fun and cycling.

I wasn't stupid enough to cut through them and thought it looked like good community fun. I literally can't imagine being bitter and angry about waiting like five minutes.

Jesus Christ you people need to live a little. Angry over waiting and people having safe but inconvenient fun. Truly ridiculous.