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uva2011 t1_j8e3ej1 wrote

Have some experience with this - Ultimately it comes down to how much water is pooling and what grade you have to work with in your yard. If it's not a lot of water, and you have some grade in your yard french drains will fix the spot pooling.

If it's a bigger issue and/or you don't have enough grade to move the water then it gets stickier. Most places will give free estimates so worth talking through with them and then can weigh the cost vs. doing it yourself.

My issue was so bad the city ultimately resolved it - Kudos to them as it was free vs. $$$ that private companies were looking to charge, with no guarantee it would actually resolve the issue.


LostDefectivePearl t1_j8eaccc wrote

Shit you must’ve had a culvert just dead end onto your property or something like that, glad they paid for it. Sounds like a nightmare


bilbobadcat t1_j8eyh78 wrote

We have this issue and it’s compounded by commercial buildings that run up against our yard straight up dumping their rain into our yard. Kind of curious how you got the city to fix it.


uva2011 t1_j8eyy9o wrote

Feel free to DM me for more specifics. In that scenario I think if nothing else the city could pressure the commercial buildings into resolving their piece and then could re-evaluate after that.

Like most things with the city they seem genuinely willing to help if you can get in front of the right people. We took pictures down to city hall and they quickly got on board following that