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painedperdu t1_jadm53i wrote

Yes, I used them last year and it was great! Anything additional is 15% off as well. I went with the farmer's select half size option last year and again this year. They also have a "people's choice" option which is essentially a gift card to use anywhere they set up shop for 15% as well.


localheroism OP t1_jadu73p wrote

If I'm reading it right, the price of the half-size option would just be a one-time fee to cover all 13 weeks right? I may wind up going for it, the location is super convenient too


painedperdu t1_jae2cib wrote

Yes, one time fee and you get to pick up a weekly box for the duration!


trailflowerside t1_jadv19n wrote

Hi I’m interested in this too! I looked at the website and was a little confused, so the “people’s choice” is just a down payment to get 15% off? Or do you get to choose a number of produce depending on your size csa?


painedperdu t1_jae2uuy wrote

Yes looks to be a down payment, but I like having the farmers choice so didn’t look too into it. Either way they’re great!