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351WindsorMotor t1_j8farfx wrote

Ann Francis-Lambert shared a list of the upcoming improvements to Chamberlyane in a recent newsletter. The upcoming changes seem positive:

Unfortunately, the later phase changes to Chamberlayne under planning include widening Chamberlayne at Laburnum and adding pocket turn lanes at several cross streets between Laburnum and Azelia. The widening at Laburnum will make the distance pedestrians have to traverse across Chamberlayne longer, while the addition of pocket turn lanes at the cross streets north of Laburnum will remove pedestrian refuge in the current median. These changes will directly hurt pedestrian traffic and could also indirectly increase speeding by reducing the narrow feeling drivers experience in current two lanes between the median. This is despite pedestrian safety being the top priority identified in the public engagement, and traffic congestion ranking only 4th in priority. In addition, many of the pocket turn lanes under consideration are located at intersections that already have high levels of service. VDOT project pipeline website with future phases of work and summary of public response:


DefaultSubsAreTerrib t1_j8fl4qj wrote

I agree with you, but from my experience asking Lambert for pedestrian safety improvements and/or traffic calming, I get the impression that she doesn't give half a shit what I have to say.


vicsfoolsparadise t1_j8glps1 wrote

Where is the source for widening Chamberlayne?


351WindsorMotor t1_j8hs2cz wrote

The best source is RI02 Executive Summary page 1 showing Concept 1. Concept 1 is also shown in the stakeholder summary, and indicated to be the preferred concept. VDOT didn't publish anything that specifically addresses the pedestrian impact of increasing the road width by adding the right hand turn lanes. Here is a screenshot from RI02 Executive Summary:


Sailinger OP t1_j8hxx9h wrote

Thanks for the links. I’d be interested to see if these improvements would affect any possible North/South BRT-Pulse route that’s being considered right now.

Also, those Median U-Turn lanes on Laburnum sound….weird.