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Antique-Zucchini3250 t1_jact58x wrote

We ended up having a couple of properties that we rent. What you describe feels immoral to me, but in landlord discussion groups, they seem to have this obsession with "market value", which is an unfair simplification of things (not to mention fully ignores the supplier's role in tacitly agreeing with other suppliers to inflate the value and then blame "the system" when questioned).

Unless you find someone decent and who willfully chooses to reject all that rhetoric (people on that side like to act like they have no choice over pricing, yet we have been charging well below market value in our rentals and haven't gone bankrupt or had any catastrophes happen in almost a decade), chances are it will be difficult to find a fair price. Because a ton of greedy people gravitate towards renting, since the are almost no protections to the renters.

Your best bet will be small landlords (who usually make a living other way and happen to have a side thing with rentals). Word of mouth is best, in my experience.