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augie_wartooth t1_jad194g wrote

The fair market value thing is a useless rule. If someone will pay it, it’s market value. The $65 (or $50, per state law, not sure where $65 comes from) is application fee ONLY, and doesn’t include credit/background/other checks.


panda-attack t1_jadqnon wrote

They were charged separately for a credit check. Background checks aren’t that expensive.


augie_wartooth t1_jadrkrj wrote

The law says the landlord can charge any “reasonable” expenses above $50. If the application fee was truly $400, that’s unreasonable, but I suspect they had to pay $75 for application and credit check and $400 to hold the place. My last landlord did this and it’s unfortunately legal. With all those fees it’s unsurprising if it’s not clear what they’re all for.


panda-attack t1_jadsfm4 wrote

It was posted that they paid $75 per person for credit checks. $200 per person for pet fees, then $400 for the application fee, plus a standard security deposit.

Your security deposit is what secures the apartment, which means assuming there are two humans there is $300 in fees from that application fee that is going to background checks
