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militantrubberducky t1_j9o03uz wrote

I know you said the neighbor isn't friendly, but did you talk to them?


militantrubberducky t1_j9oj6ty wrote

😂 downvote me all you want but attempts to resolve issues instead of jumping to litigation helps your case in the long run, especially if you can document them being ridiculous or unreasonable. Even if it didn't, I'm not sure why conflict resolution is looked down upon here. Sometimes we have to have awkward or uncomfortable conversations with people who are not nice. 🤷‍♀️


TGIIR t1_j9ojt1m wrote

In my case, my neighbors are nuts. I don’t engage or talk to them but I do text if something big comes up.


bruxalle t1_j9p3dky wrote

This seems like something big.


TGIIR t1_j9plez6 wrote

Yes but I text or email to have things in writing. Seems to keep them from going off the deep end or repeatedly trying to push their agenda when permission already denied. I’ve had to consult a lawyer about them. I’m an old and these are the first neighbors I’ve EVER had trouble with. And I’m not the only one…they don’t get along with any other neighbor around them. My situation came to mind reading about the fence on others property. Hope OP gets some help with his neighbors soon.


bruxalle t1_j9o5u0z wrote

How dare you suggest talking to your neighbors?! Don’t you know, people here hate that. They’ll suggest calling cops before speaking to neighbors almost every time.


Power_Blaster t1_j9or4m6 wrote

The quickest way to get do-not-like votes is to call this sub out on its' bullshit.