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CapeCharlesVA t1_j9p8ya8 wrote



>There is nothing that the City can do about this issue; this is a private matter between the individual parties and must be resolved in civil court. Fences and privacy walls (or certain other structures) that are on your property without your permission are a civil matter between the owners and the City typically cannot force their removal. Contact an attorney experienced in real estate or property law in matters regarding property line disputes. The property survey will typically show all improvements on the property, including fences, walls and building setbacks, that may also help assist in determining the location of your property line.


RunningThenReversing t1_j9pa67r wrote

Eeeewwww. I was afraid that was the case; I was just so spirited about my idea because I’ve been on the receiving end of that in a nonsensical scenario and the city was probably more aggressive than an attorney would haven been, for the same infraction.