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HamburgerBandit t1_j8tnclk wrote

Reply to comment by DeviantAnthro in RVA Parking "Enforcers" by [deleted]

so alternatives? options to better things? or just "lol Good luck"

I'm trying to have a conversation. There is a very real issue. How can we resolve it?


VAisforLizards t1_j8tsg63 wrote


  1. Get over it, move on with your day
  2. Worry about your own shit not anyone else's
  3. Continue to yell pointlessly at the sky
  4. Take a shit in a bag, put it in the oven on low for about 30 minutes and then throw it away in your own garbage can since smelling your own farts seems to be insufficient for you.
  5. Lol Good luck.

BureauOfBureaucrats t1_j8tsplc wrote

You could always run for city council on a platform of parking justice and reform.