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HamburgerBandit t1_j8tppxi wrote

Reply to comment by [deleted] in RVA Parking "Enforcers" by [deleted]

we live in a closely related area and you wanna piss on those that are advocating for better conditions? More free parking according to emotes and votes from outlying areas?. Seriously what is your thought process. Honestly IDGAF if you get towed, ticked, wrecked, robbed, jumped... from people parking too close. I DESIRE that none of that happens to good people that like to come here. I want coming to RVA to be a good experience for everyone. If that's not your perspective, FU


augie_wartooth t1_j8tqv5i wrote

What on earth is your problem? If someone parking illegally makes you this angry, I would highly recommend you have a real honest conversation with yourself about your anger.


HamburgerBandit t1_j8tvozp wrote

sorry. I was hoping to be clear in my initial post that I'm not overly angry about this. I was looking for feedback, and I believe I have it. I felt there was an issue for those who lived (not just worked) in the VCU area with the time restrictions on parking. Whether that be "free" open access or paid "overnight" access being ticketed by people that abuse those same rights for profit. I realize I've been wrong in many eyes and it's not an issue. I apologize

I don't care about "someone" parking illegally. I care about the people writing tickets to us that live here WHILE parking illegally.

Would it be an issue having a fire truck park (unattended) in front of a fire hydrant? I mean, can every point be argued? Sure. Are you really gonna be on the side that says, "but who cares" vs "yea, this shouldn't be happening"
