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eightbitagent t1_j9r92tn wrote

I’m not sure how a national housing crisis/price increases are the county’s fault


NovGeo t1_j9rciu1 wrote

Nothing and no one obligates counties or cities to charge you the maximum amount in taxes that they can legally get away with charging. Why any private citizen reflexively defends the government’s right to screw people over is beyond me. OP you are right, it’s morally bankrupt. In my opinion they should be obligated to buy your house at the value they quote it at if you would choose that over paying bloated tax increases.


Potential-Height582 t1_j9rgxib wrote

Dang! Which neighborhood. We went up 20% last year and another 15% this year and we’re far west end near Hanover. I’d call the county and ask for another assessment.


Notthatianmcewan t1_j9rlnzv wrote

I can't see the matching rows but it reminded me of when I had a huge jump. I bought my house in lakeside I got a real estate tax discount for I think it was 2 years and once that expired it was a lot more. Not sure if that applies to you but does that sound vaguely like anything they mentioned when you purchased.


Arcangelathanos t1_j9rs96h wrote

Oh, my old church used to be in that area. I've been saying for the past few years that once that drone center was operational the land value would skyrocket and the area would gentrify. Wasn't expecting 80% in one year though...


XxAkenoxX t1_j9rtwa6 wrote

damn mine went by 42.19% and the total is $3508 which is insane. i think it was because i recently purchased it...idk


otterinprogress t1_j9s0hz2 wrote

Appeal. Something is seriously wrong here.

I’m maybe 1/2 a mile from you in Lakeside. Even with renovations to our 1100 sq ft rancher and a new assessment by the bank in preparation for a HELOC that showed the insane jump in value, our taxes “only” increased ~9%.


thomas8266 t1_j9t7i3p wrote

so do counties just keep this extra income? Because our tax bill nearly doubled over the past year or two, and I assume most property bills increased quite a bit due to house prices going nuts.


TDIMike t1_j9t9002 wrote

Was last year wrong? I got a huge increase last year, but it was because the old assessment was wildly out of date


TDIMike t1_j9t91lg wrote

Was last year wrong? I got a huge increase last year in henrico, but it was because the old assessment was wildly out of date


Ideaforabiz t1_j9t9sc1 wrote

I agree with every single thing you said except one. The part about the county having to buy their house. I've had the same discussion with my neighbors who all feel a 25% increase is insane (let alone 80%). If you were listing your home for sale, would it be below or even at assessed value? I'd be curious to know OP and your thoughts. Because as pissed as I am about the county Fing me, I still would not sell at the assessed rate. In fact it would probably be more like 1.10 or 1.15% higher..


navarretg t1_j9td9xc wrote

Does Virginia have Homestead Exemption like FL does? That’s an absurd amount in one year for a increase.


bberin t1_j9tea3j wrote

To be fair, Henrico County did give a pretty substantial raise to teachers this past year, and I believe they have the highest teacher pay scale in the Richmond area.

….Of course, their pay scale is as clear as mud and our teachers are still underpaid for what they do, but small wins I guess?


Goslow1999 t1_j9tf3yj wrote

I think you're right. By state law, tax must reflect the actual value of a property. Same happened to us. Bought last year, taxes up 25% this year to reflect purchase price.


Seven0232 t1_j9th8ln wrote

How much did you pay for your house?


turnipmeatloaf t1_j9thoot wrote

Lol man my Richmond ass looking at your 0.85% tax rate 😭


CarlCasper t1_j9tlekd wrote

Property taxes were 9% higher in FY22, which is about double the normal rate of increase. And they are on track for the same increase this year which is substantial. However, Education got an almost 12% bump last year and is budgeted for almost 8% this year, and the property tax rate was chipped down from %0.87 to %0.85, which I know is not a lot in the grand scheme of things, but I don't see Richmond or Chesterfield dropping their rates at all. And Henrico is still lower than both of them.

You can work through the previous budgets and actuals to see where the money is being spent, although only big buckets, not detail like salary vs. programming. I'm sure there is a lot of room for improvement, I know it sounds like I am defending Henrico, but it's not that so much as I have lived in all three of these areas, and I think that Henrico simply does a better job.

Having said all that - op is smart to appeal this assessment. Something seems way off there.


DCFishingGuy t1_j9ttzxm wrote

You can appeal but I'm going to guess your house is still worth more than that?

I bitch about my taxes in RVA but our assessment is about 200k lower than its actual value


Gorz0th t1_j9v5ffo wrote

Stuff like this makes it difficult for people with low/fixed incomes.


someotherguyrva t1_j9vgg5o wrote

They have to pay for that two cent rebate again this year somehow🤔


PuffinDaisy t1_j9werd9 wrote

Coming down meadowbridge road, from hanover into Henrico there, you can see the building looming in the distance. It's a concrete abomination. Seriously looks like the Costco building from idiocracy. The taxes in the area went up but guarantee you they don't get taxed shit.


PyreDruid t1_j9wq4fx wrote

Tax breaks for some areas ending, not sure if Henrico has them there. Otherwise prices in areas are through the roof, and if they're looking at what houses are valued at around that neighborhood that kind of increase is possible.

That said, Henrico sucks at taxes so could be just totally wrong.


PyreDruid t1_j9wqb73 wrote

Depending on how long its been since they did an actual value on the houses around there, it's quite possible this is correct, and they've just been undercharging for years.