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coconut_sorbet t1_j9ypthk wrote

Saving you a click:

  • #10. Los Angeles, CA
  • #9. Chicago, IL
  • #8. Charlottesville, VA
  • #7. Atlanta, GA
  • #6. Sacramento, CA
  • #5. Philadelphia, PA
  • #4. Charlotte, NC
  • #3. Virginia Beach, VA
  • #2. Washington, D.C.
  • #1. New York, NY

jodyhighrola t1_j9z4gzs wrote

Ayyyy my fellow Austin escapees are outliers. I know there’s quite a few (like 10) of us. Will we be spared from scrutiny? Tune in to the next “Richmond is the next Austin” post/comment to find out!


zigg-e t1_j9z6w98 wrote

Lol I just recently moved from Austin.. a lot of people I knew leaving central Texas were headed to Colorado.


goosey65 t1_j9zhkg3 wrote

Colorado for sure, and Washington in my experience.

Don’t miss anything about Austin except it’s access to West Texas.


Charlesinrichmond OP t1_ja877ue wrote

more than 10. The level of Austin-ites buying houses in Md/Fan is notable. Huge? no. We are still Nova driven, but there


jodyhighrola t1_ja91w36 wrote

> The level of Austin-ites buying houses in Md/Fan is notable.

That would’ve been me if I was a year earlier to the party. I’m happy to spread our yeehaw influence out a bit.


Charlesinrichmond OP t1_jaddj0x wrote

yeah, the bump in prices everywhere was nuts, but in Richmond city especially.


DefaultSubsAreTerrib t1_j9ynk48 wrote

I find it odd that Richmond didn't make the list.


Charlesinrichmond OP t1_j9yqrx6 wrote

I think it's out of state searches only. I also think RTD sucks. But easy enough to post here while reading, and it's the sort of thing people find interesting. Some of the order is minorly interesting


needsexyboots t1_j9yshc0 wrote

Virginia Beach and Charlottesville aren’t out of state though


Charlesinrichmond OP t1_j9ysp12 wrote

hmm. You are forcing me to make an RTD article make sense. I'm going to have to start inventing things here. Outside of Richmond Metro? With "Washington" defined as "all of Metro DC including Nova"?


dreww4546 t1_j9ypzs8 wrote



PhilipGreenbriar t1_j9z2pis wrote

Right? What is with these weird articles perpetuating otherism about transplants


Lady-Meows-a-Lot t1_ja03qrx wrote

Anyone here who’s not a Native American is a transplant.


albertnormandy t1_ja0yx4s wrote

Should they be thanking the out of towners for putting upward pressure on home prices?


Asterion7 t1_j9zlfq4 wrote

New York number 1 baby!!!! Richmond is the new Staten island. Makes sense because Brooklyn is the new Manhattan and Queens is the new Brooklyn and the Bronx is the new Queens.


Charlesinrichmond OP t1_ja87z7m wrote

staten island? that's cold. And the italian food does not support the thesis. Brooklyn or bust!


Asterion7 t1_ja88uc4 wrote

Yeah, but we are a pain in the ass to get too and have the smallest populations and mostly live in houses.


Charlesinrichmond OP t1_ja8kiau wrote

hmm. That much of a PITA to get to though?

I literally went through SI for the first time last summer. After a lifetime in and around NYC.


Newyew22 t1_j9yzjqu wrote

I’m intrigued by the Sacramento to Richmond pipeline. They rest make sense in their own ways.


codva t1_j9z035y wrote

Sacramento is about 90 miles from SF. Maybe people that were doing that commute regularly or semi-regularly that are now FT remote, so they are bugging out before somebody asks them to start commuting?


ifweweresharks t1_j9z2zmy wrote

Sacramento and Richmond are very similar


Newyew22 t1_j9z7ira wrote

Say more about that. State capitals, in the far orbit of very large and important metros, what else? Tell me more!


ifweweresharks t1_j9zju47 wrote

Oh gosh. I grew up there and have been back to visit a few times as an adult, but I feel like between the breweries, the historical aspects (Fort Sutter), the rivers (Sacramento and American), historic neighborhoods (Lady Bird was shot there) there are a lot of similarities.


Newyew22 t1_j9ztbos wrote

Fascinating! Thanks for saying more.


Effective_Mud8348 t1_ja01xgm wrote

Sacramento is one of the most "east coast" feeling cities in California. Maybe THE most.


Newyew22 t1_ja029yd wrote

Love that! I’ve only driven through it, so I’d love to see it.


ThatChildNextDoor t1_j9zif3n wrote

Atlanta must be getting a bit expensive as of late.


Charlesinrichmond OP t1_ja8888p wrote

a lot expensive when my brother checked. Unless you want a horrible commute


djeeetyet t1_j9z58j6 wrote

Philly Connection!


Equivalent_Advance_6 t1_j9zl6l9 wrote

Just touched down from Philly. I’ve heard of a lot of Richmonders moving up there too.


djeeetyet t1_j9zrrhj wrote

Welcome! There definitely is a bit of bi-directional moving. Yea I've had a few friends who've relocated to Philly too.


popsrcr t1_j9z87nu wrote

Wait, confused. Someone reads RTD?


Charlesinrichmond OP t1_ja88cgu wrote

skims! But it takes seconds out of my day. And once a week they have something vaguely useful. maybe