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lafleurricky t1_j8x975k wrote

Oh that makes sense, definitely safer than the straight up water. Decent short term solution if people don't have to pay for the lack of water haha.


fusion260 t1_j8xaz4c wrote

Filters are a must, regardless of whether the municipal water supply is perfectly safe and clear. Anything can happen in the neighborhood's supply line from tree roots, construction, accidents, or even the line between your building's water meter and your faucet/spigots. They're too cheap and easy to replace to neglect setting at least one up.

You can even buy reusable personal water bottles with built-in filtering built right into the cap. A 3-pack of filters can last you 6 months.

While we're on this topic, a PSA for folks to check on and replace the filter in their refrigerator water dispenser/ice maker!