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fusion260 t1_j8wlwet wrote

City water isn’t normally yellow and is generally perfectly safe to drink. Yellow water is an indication of a leak elsewhere in the water supply line or rust. It typically clears up once the leak is fixed.

Check the news for any water main leak and boil water announcements. If neighbors aren’t experiencing that same color water, then the leak may be on your side of the water meter.


elPrimeraPison t1_j8wml0c wrote

its at a place I work at. I dont know about the 'neighbors'. I was told it happens all the time and passes, and that they have no control since it comes from the James, but it makes me really nervous about drinking it.


fusion260 t1_j8wnsfr wrote

The water intake does come from the James, but it is absolutely treated and is clear before it leaves the facility. The yellow coloring isn’t normal, but also isn’t an indication that it is unsafe to drink; it could just be from extra iron in the water.

The color coming and going is definitely an sign that there is either frequent water main issues near your building or something is shaking the pipes and causing it to mix particles in it.

Water filters that attach to the sink or spigot, or the Brita water pitchers with the filter cartridges, clear this right up.

If the water smells, though, probably best to skip drinking it.


Westhamwayintherva t1_j933o89 wrote

Sometimes you have to filter water extra to avoid the coloring… isnt it ironic, don’t you think?


fusion260 t1_j9395v7 wrote

Indeed! Like running wine or coffee through a Brita filter 🫢


Westhamwayintherva t1_j93a16a wrote

I FEel like you didn’t get my joke about water having an excess of iron.

I must be getting rusty.


fusion260 t1_j93e6cd wrote

🤦‍♂️ Now I see it. I blame the unfiltered tequila and pot.


masonbrit t1_j8wp7nb wrote

This might be a silly question but do you serve this to customers? And who told you this happens all the time? The manager?


elPrimeraPison t1_j8wpnw0 wrote

I work in the kitchen, so I dont. And the manager is the one that told me


masonbrit t1_j8wqo0h wrote

Sorry I meant does the water get served to customers by anyone?


fusion260 t1_j8x0a7w wrote

The water that goes into soda taps/machines almost certainly has a filter on it, so it's clear when it comes out and goes into glasses. Guaranteed they are not serving brown water to customers. If they are, then customers are definitely going to complain.

If anything, their filters are going to start to get clogged much faster and they're going to be moving through them more quickly. The mix from carbonated water to syrup will be thrown off and everything will taste sweeter or "more chemically" for diet sodas and customers will also complain.

ETA: Source is that I've watched distributors and inspectors test and inspect soda machines, test the water to syrup ratio, and we would get dinged if the soda mix was off, which may have been because of clogged filters that weren't performing as expected (water flowed slower and the syrup mix was left as-is). If we received more than a handful of points, the distributor or brand (Coca-Cola at the time) would fine us and threaten pulling their products. It was usually fixed by simply replacing the filter, restoring the water pressure and returning the water-to-syrup ratio back to the intended mix.


JustDyslexic t1_j8y3nhs wrote

I would be more worried about the water they are using for cleaning


RVAblues t1_j8zyfyd wrote

Tell your manager that it’s utter bullshit.


lokrian-kom-fechakru t1_j8wlw3d wrote

Whater doesn't usually come in a yellow color, so it couldn't just be water.


zorak_robert t1_j8wobak wrote

What restaurant?

This is dystopian cyberpunk shit. Your boss doesn't care about your health or the patrons health if his response is any indication.


elPrimeraPison t1_j8wrv5y wrote

i dont want to say for anonymity sake, but before working there I had a good opinion of it. And its a nicer sit down that's not crazy expensive in Carytown.


fluufhead t1_j8ww2do wrote

They were running all the hydrants on Cary the other night. Wonder if it's related somehow. I will say the water at my house in Carytown has never run yellow.


fusion260 t1_j8x0nor wrote

Yes, this can cause the water mains and pipes to vibrate from the sudden change in water pressure and shake some rust (iron) particles loose. This happened often when I lived in Fort Lauderdale and usually resolved within an hour or two.

After that, the water would be cloudy from the extra-fine air bubbles (you can hear the fizzing and see the water clear up after a moment) that was pushed into the water.


cantaloupe-490 t1_j8xevq0 wrote

This is probably the answer (or some variation on this theme of 'temporary distro system problem'). Try running the faucets for a few minutes and see if the water clears up. If it doesn't start to look better, then that needs to be investigated, because Richmond City water absolutely does not come from the plant with discoloration.


RufuMahli t1_j8wy8dw wrote

Imma go out on a limb and guess… The Daily?


elPrimeraPison t1_j8wzcoo wrote

no but its within 5 blocks of that


7th-cup-of-coffee t1_j949xw7 wrote

I’m going to guess either East Coast Provisions or Les Crepes


elPrimeraPison t1_j94o5hs wrote

its neither. I will tell you out of east cost & le crepes its closer to les crepes. And its not foreign food restaurant


Mr_Boneman t1_j8wppiy wrote

Please let us know which restaurant so not to go there.


parrisjd t1_j8wnfr9 wrote

I have city water in a very old part of town. Water is crystal clear.


GrandmaPoses t1_j8x7hj1 wrote

Lead is tasteless, colorless, and odorless in water.


parrisjd t1_j8x9hps wrote

True, but I'm answering as to whether yellow water is normal.


Diet_Coke t1_j8ws5tj wrote

I'm really interested in trying new kinds of water, what restaurant is this at?


ssred18 t1_j8wquda wrote

Not normal or safe. Report the issue to Dept. of Public Utilities at 646-4646


Federal-Subject-3541 t1_j8wry2r wrote

Richmond tap water is actually very well rated and is not yellow. Your manager is a liar. Please drop us a hint


ripleyajm t1_j8x7za5 wrote

If it’s brown, drink it down. If it’s black, send it back


LeftyAgitator t1_j8yti44 wrote

You don’t deserve the downvotes for an excellent Simpsons reference.


lafleurricky t1_j8wql5l wrote

Yeah this is a red flag. My water is from the James, the whole city’s is and 99.9% of us don’t have yellow water.


formerlymtnbkr531 t1_j8wo919 wrote

At Mellow Mushroom on Wednesday , they told us that the city had just repressurized their water or something and they weren't serving water temporarily as it was cloudy. I didn't get any water so I'm not sure if it was yellow, but this could be the issue?

Maybe run the water for 5-10 minutes and see if the color changes?


lafleurricky t1_j8wqfw1 wrote

Were they serving soft drinks…from the same water lmao


fusion260 t1_j8x13ee wrote

Soda machines have water filters on them because brands (and distributors) require crystal-clear water to be supplied to the soda machines so that colored sodas aren't off-color and clear sodas (Sprite, 7-Up, tonic water, soda water, etc.) remains crystal-clear before it makes its way to the customers.

The water filters are designed to remove rust (iron) particles from water, so as long as the color is from rust particles, those won't make it to the customer's glass.

The restaurant, however, will be going through water filters more quickly the longer this goes on. That'll clog them up and cause the water to flow more slowly while the syrup ratio continues unchanged and really throws the taste of the soda off.


lafleurricky t1_j8x975k wrote

Oh that makes sense, definitely safer than the straight up water. Decent short term solution if people don't have to pay for the lack of water haha.


fusion260 t1_j8xaz4c wrote

Filters are a must, regardless of whether the municipal water supply is perfectly safe and clear. Anything can happen in the neighborhood's supply line from tree roots, construction, accidents, or even the line between your building's water meter and your faucet/spigots. They're too cheap and easy to replace to neglect setting at least one up.

You can even buy reusable personal water bottles with built-in filtering built right into the cap. A 3-pack of filters can last you 6 months.

While we're on this topic, a PSA for folks to check on and replace the filter in their refrigerator water dispenser/ice maker!


RulerOfTheRest t1_j8wpwlp wrote

Yellow water can be caused by rust in the pipes and sediments that make their way into the water supply from the source (the James). The office I work in will suffer from the former when the building has been in disuse for a long period, such as a long holiday weekend, but eventually will come out clear again. If the water isn't clearing out, and it's like that every day the restaurant's owner needs to have that looked into. The water from your soda fountain should not be affected as it should be on a rather beefy filter system, for the chemicals they treat water with along with other minerals that are naturally in the water can affect the flavor of soda, and a lot of soda fountains and bar guns have a filtered flat water option. But as I type this, I just remembered another potential cause of yellow water, and that is caused when carbonated water makes its way back into the water supply lines, for when carbonated water mixes with copper plumbing, it produces carbonic acid, which is not good to drink, so check to see if the carbonator's backflow preventer is intact (this is why everything past the carbonator has to be stainless steel or plastic).


augie_wartooth t1_j8wzaz4 wrote

This is nonsense from your employer. I’ve lived in this city 15 years and never had yellow water.


[deleted] OP t1_j910ckb wrote



elPrimeraPison t1_j94opa1 wrote

the restaurants is past Arthur ash and before long Kroger/ nansemond , closer to arther ash, so you dont have to avoid all of carytown

and the address is even so that leaves off half of the area


trillbabyprime t1_j940s5f wrote

The water that comes out of my taps is clear. The building I live in was built in 1850. You might wanna not drink that.


DJRoombaaah t1_j8wqamh wrote

When the water near me has been yellow the city had to some release a hydrant and let the water run out for a few hours before it went back to normal. They told us not to drink it.


zazzersmel t1_j8xeaav wrote

never had yellow water 15 years living in richmond


Ill_Chupacabruh t1_j8ycp7w wrote

lol wut? I've never seen yellow water in the city before. I think your manager's are either idiots or straight up lying so they don't have to close and lose profits


[deleted] OP t1_j8wnjfb wrote



rva-ModTeam t1_j8wosku wrote

Your comment has been removed as it has been identified as dis/misinformation or diverges wildly from current/verified news developments.

The spreading of dis/misinformation is expressly prohibited by this subreddit and Reddit's TOS. Our moderators are tasked with upholding these standards.

While news develops quickly, especially for breaking/emerging issues, it's important to make sure outdated or incorrect information does not persist and get amplified by malicious actors.


No_Vegetable7280 t1_j8xfyli wrote

Best country in the world right?! Lol. As I wait 45 days for an “emergency” cancer screening that will cost me 500$ after insurance.


1975hh3 t1_j8zq6ns wrote

Never. I’ve lived in the city since 93 and have never seen piss yellow water. Not once. Report your bosses immediately.


chaqintaza t1_j909vzq wrote

Richmond residents are fluoride staring at your post.


virginiamasterrace t1_j942r91 wrote

I drink piss all the time, it’s sterile. Or it’s not, but either way it’s pretty okay once you get used to it. But yeah if it looks like piss out of the tap, I wouldn’t drink that.