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DanSRedskins t1_j8nzfuz wrote

It's like getting a very small tax cut that you barely notice.


DCFishingGuy t1_j8o0qdy wrote

Its more the fact they can run things effectively with the money they get vs City of Richmond who is always looking to raise taxes and we get 2nd world country services.

We also have a 41% higher tax rate as it is to Henrico County so yeah this individual refund ain't much but that plus lower taxes plus better services. That adds up big time


10000Didgeridoos t1_j8rxxq0 wrote

So you'd rather both pay higher real estate taxes and get no rebate?

Yeah, that makes logical sense. You're getting hosed by Richmond City at both ends.

Edit: I'm always amazed when I edit a comment I just made on a 13 hour old comment and the butthurt OP has already down voted it within 30 seconds. Do you people just live on Reddit?


DanSRedskins t1_j8ry3ba wrote

I live in Henrico. I'm just saying it's almost nothing. We pay for it in other ways like always having to drive places and little to do.