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suarezi93 t1_j993jhc wrote

Sad for them. Hope to see the location turn over quickly to something that offers wider appeal and can maintain a more consistent presence in the neighborhood. I’m already nursing some low expectations for the kava bar slated to open at the former Canon & Draw location..


Federal-Subject-3541 t1_j9b1q58 wrote

Yeah. Keep em low. I don't think the muddy water is going to take off even in the VCU area.


iwalktowork t1_j99bcy2 wrote

Surprised it lasted this long...first time owners opening a terrible concept in an awful location...


Far_Cupcake_530 t1_j9b86qz wrote

I'm glad. Hopefully something good will pop up here. Since the closing of Balliceaux, it has been one lame concept after the next. The Brun atmosphere was sad and kind of cheap looking. They should have hired a professional to work out the interior. When that spot was Balliceaux, they had the vibe right!


suarezi93 t1_j9bnixt wrote

The interior lighting (and decor) in the front room was HORRIBLE to the point of actually being a main reason I didn’t ever dine there. Can’t speak for the cigar room.


tRillVA t1_j9bqbzr wrote

I called this almost exactly a year ago on a thread about RVA restaurant graveyard locations. But I predicted they’d only stay open for 6 months, so congrats to them for staying open almost a full year.


justblahetoday OP t1_j98rufi wrote

I’m curious how much money some investors blew on this failed concept over the past year. The owner is clearly delusional or has backing that is willing to blow more money as he states they intend to purchase a new location instead of lease and that this will be a franchise all across the nation.


RulerOfTheRest t1_j98uev9 wrote

Their failure is probably tied to the clientele that they were trying to attract. I've been to the cigar lounge near my brother's house down in Jacksonville several times, and it was widely popular and supported by the locals because the drinks, bar food, and cigars were reasonably priced, plus they had a massive selection of cigars to choose from in some very nice humidors. This place was trying to charge country club prices while being located in a working class neighborhood...


justblahetoday OP t1_j98vabi wrote

The Fan is not working class. I don’t disagree that their target audience wasn’t correct, but that’s not why.


Chickenmoons t1_j9a4clk wrote

The Fan is working class so does that make Lakeside the working poor?


justblahetoday OP t1_j9a9sz1 wrote

Since when did a neighborhood of $800k-1.2m homes become working class?


Impossible_Gas9905 t1_j9blvyg wrote

Lots of people rent in the fan. That's your working class. I lived in the Fan for years making a very small salary.


sevenbee t1_j9c3y68 wrote

1 bedroom apartments in the Fan are $1400 - $1800, its not working class in the conventional sense


SuperSalad_OrElse t1_j9kdtb0 wrote

The one near Atlantic? Near Ragtime and such? I was born on 4th street over there and went to that spot in 2012. Small world.


RVAforthewin t1_j9boa0w wrote

I lived about two blocks from that location for several years not too long ago. I’m not sure why nothing seems to stick but something I would have really loved would have been a small restaurant that provided quick and reliable pickup and delivery food. I’m thinking authentic street Mexican. That area is packed with students. Students like quick and cheap. Bonus if it delivers, esp after 10pm. Street tacos are cheap to make, easy to transport for pickup or delivery, and there are tons of options for flavor combos. I think I’d get away from turning it into a destination where one sits down to eat, although they could have a few small tables, and focus on high quality ingredients that travel well. It’s clear people no longer want to go to this location to spend any significant time given the failure of the past few businesses. It’s just a thought. Figure something out that appeals to the college student demographic but is also high quality enough that non-students would enjoy it as well.


Far_Cupcake_530 t1_j9eykxy wrote

I think the restaurant before Brun was a Mexican street food concept? The lighting was too bright, the portions were small and it was expensive.


RVAforthewin t1_j9f8ayk wrote

It was a tequila bar called Flora and they did, in fact, serve some food. However, my idea is to go with something that does not require you remain at the restaurant to eat, meaning the quality of the food cannot degrade by too much when it is carry out or delivery. Each concept that has opened up was meant to be dine in first and carry out second. I’m suggesting a spot that is carry out/delivery first and dine in second. Cater to that college crowd but find the balance in quality and price point.


Hedgecore138 t1_j9g0cbr wrote

Immediately prior to Brun was Po' Boys, which I thought was a great idea. Who doesn't like giant sandwiches? I think COVID torpedoed them before they could build a clientele.


lunar_unit t1_j98vtom wrote

I'm not a cigar guy, but how did this place compare to The Lions Den? I was at Tabol on Friday, and the Den sounded like it was hopping inside.


riches_2richest t1_j9b1uqj wrote

I always wanted to try Brun but the non membership fees made it difficult. Plus what they were charging for a cigar and drinks didn't seem like they wanted me there. i never had a chance to go. This past January they had the whole place closed off to nonmembers for private events the whole month.

Monas is more reasonable as far as pricing. I haven't been to The Lions Den yet. I'd love to try it out, I've heard good things


justblahetoday OP t1_j9crk26 wrote

I don’t think you were missing much. Even though the owner’s review of his own place makes it sound quite compelling. /s


RVAPerson804 t1_j9v21wy wrote

Lion's Den seems to be in a much better spot, I bet the rent is WAY less than a fan spot.

So now we only have two cigar bars?

Also, I can recall when the Fan used to be working class families and students, it changed a lot. It lost a lot of rental units to people turning rentals back into single family mansions,