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eziam t1_j9zwlc0 wrote

Not going to work. They did this a decade ago (actually about 15 years ago) Gave teachers a 5k bonus and support teachers/administrators. Each new teacher had a mentor teacher who didn't have a class but actually helped a group of teachers. I worked for ten years in one of those schools. The extra money and "support staff" will not make a difference. Since they are title 1 schools, they are funded nicely. To fix the problem (in the elementary level) is to vap class size at 12-16 kids, and have parent buy-in and parent-teacher accountability.


leecanbe t1_ja0p9pe wrote

I would kill for more support staff. Real support staff. Nurses, social workers, behavioral therapist, etc. I don't need a "mentor" I need boots on ground support.


eziam t1_ja0vrc3 wrote

We had a behavioral specialist guy (I think it was Bliss or some acronym similar) at our school that would come in and pull a kid out. He would talk to them, calm them down, and bring back to the class. He would also help write the pbis/behavioral supports and do daily check-ins. Of course the county decided that position wasn't working and we lost him. Suspensions and behavioral issues shot up the next year.