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MeaningMedium5286 t1_j9zy1ra wrote

As a teacher, once I saw extra professional development, I was like, nope..I'll apply elsewhere.


Ok_Boysenberry_4223 t1_j9zzmd0 wrote

Not at all worth the extra $150 a month after taxes.

I’ve worked at one of these schools it was for all intents a different job than the one I do now (same position at a much “easier” school). I actually preferred working with the type of students at the “hard” school, but I couldn’t justify all the extra that took so much energy my family suffered.



For us non-teachers, what's that mean?


leecanbe t1_ja0ok36 wrote

Professional developments are classes and training teachers have to take. Usually during non contract hours. They are worth points, and we have to have x amount of points to renew our license. They are usually people who have some great new theory about education everyone should try, so you try it and then next year they are on to the next one. Same crap new acronyms, more paperwork.

TDLR: long meetings outside work hours that you don't get paid for and are 90% useless.


memorex00 t1_ja15juk wrote

Ah, yes. It was Round Robin reading, Edmodo, PBL, Flipped classroom, Parallel teaching, Station teaching, or Learning contracts. What are they doing new for this year?