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CatzOnCatzOnCatz t1_j9toy7k wrote

Looking for 10 pound and 25 pound hand weights


Stitchmond t1_ja3ll1a wrote

I got that but you gotta take my 5 and 2.5 lb weights too. What were you hoping to spend?


buckuters t1_ja68g2q wrote

Still available?


Stitchmond t1_ja69tks wrote

Yeah, just to say, not exactly sure what a "hand weight" is, but these are marcy grip iron discs. I have two short bars and a pair each of 25s, 10s, 5s, and 2.5s. Is that what you're looking for?


buckuters t1_ja6ac2s wrote

I was thinking dumbbells. Yours are like basically adjustable dumbbells right?


Stitchmond t1_ja6bts3 wrote

Yeah I guess. Want heavier dumbell, put more discs on, want lighter dumbell, take discs off.


buckuters t1_ja6cq6v wrote

How much are you looking for?


Stitchmond t1_ja6ehx4 wrote

I have no idea what they're worth. They're in great condition, no rust, no chips. A single 10 pound weight is listed at $22 on ebay, a pair of 2.5s is $15, those don't include the bar. Can't remember what I spent on them, is $120 fair for everything?