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MissLauraCroft t1_j9yon1c wrote

This makes perfect sense! My oldest kid does like things to be predictable and under control, so I can understand his rage now. And I totally get mad at inanimate objects when I stub my toe. Thank you!


Rs90 t1_j9yqt54 wrote

No problem. I'm a control freak as well so I know the feeling. Took years to acknowledge I like control and to be okay with that but still be mindful and accept when things are out of my control. Or suddenly change from being in my control to suddenly not.

Video games are a great way to live a "power fantasy" in a harmless way. Especially as a kid where you have little control. Too young to be right but too old to be wrong haha.

One thing I recommend is trying to teach em to go with the flow. Don't get too attached to how you think something will go. Offer alternatives before an event is set in motion. Goin to get ice-cream? Ask em what they're gonna get. "Chocolate!" "Ooo, chocolate is good. And if they don't have chocolate?" Make em acknowledge the possibility of having to change their plan based on outside variables they can't control.

Not everytime cause you don't wanna overanalyze every possibility. But it helps with kids not getting too worked up and confused when life changes as rapidly as it does at times.