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gracetw22 t1_jackpq2 wrote

No, malvo is who he represented, who is in the process of resentencing. I read up on him and he seems well respected in the field but I already have serious concerns about Goochland animal control’s ability to get it together, so I sure hope they aren’t bringing a knife to a gun fight


PleasureP t1_jacwn4s wrote

I used to be an extension agent in goochland and our office got calls about starving horses all the time bc animal control wouldn't do anything. We didn't have regulatory power and even reaching out to VDACS & our land grant universities for guidance was unhelpful. Too many people in power are afraid of the folks with $$ in Goochland. So glad to be done with that job


gracetw22 t1_jacxo3c wrote

Ugh. Anyone in that office who you think would make a statement to that effect? I’m in no way surprised but the circling of the wagons is frustrating


PleasureP t1_jad151z wrote

It used to drive me crazy as well. I understand completely.

Extension admin always instructed us to not talk to media but you might be able to get some info off the record from an ag agent. The only one who's been there for years and still there (with access to records and emails and such) would be the current Powhatan ag agent. She used to be split between Goochland and Powhatan so I'm sure she's fielded some of those calls. She's a horse person too so she'd probably remember receiving those calls/doing the farm visits if she did one. She can be hard to get ahold of but just leave messages wherever you can if you have trouble catching her. I was not ag so I was just hearing peripheral info as our agents tried to navigate those reports. But I do remember the frustration and venting as we tried to figure out how to get around animal control's lack of response


Arcangelathanos t1_jacpf02 wrote

Oh... Well, if it'll make you feel any better I had a classmate who interned for that guy during the Malvo trial. She told me some things about that case that the judge didn't allow for public consumption that changed my mind about him.

Fingers crossed that Goochland will get their act together under public scrutiny.


masonbrit t1_jacq2pd wrote

Pray tell


Arcangelathanos t1_jacw15t wrote

It's been twenty years so I honestly don't remember any details. It was something to the effect of they wanted to present evidence showing how deeply Malvo had been manipulated, but they couldn't. I remember doing a 180 once she explained a few things because I really respected her and her opinion. She wasn't a random bleeding heart.


Danger-Moose t1_jacxm6f wrote

There was a pretty good run of the podcast You're Wrong About on the DC Snipers. It definitely portrayed Malvo as being completely manipulated.


gracetw22 t1_jadjvsi wrote

I love that podcast, I will have to listen to those episodes