manyamile t1_jacunq0 wrote
The massive pile of wood chips from ChipDrop is mocking me this morning so that’s what I’m tackling today.
I’ve also been working on befriending a family of crows that live on my property. Today is the first day they came down to feed with me standing nearby. 🖤
[deleted] OP t1_jacyqiw wrote
Danger-Moose t1_jad3mn0 wrote
I had two big ol' crows hopping around by my bird feeder yesterday, and I was just sitting there like this:
ImmobilizedbyCheese t1_jad63jj wrote
Are we good to feed birds again? I took my feeders down because of the avian flu. Haven't heard much more about it.
manyamile t1_jad6yjo wrote
There was never good consensus from veterinarians and various extension offices around the country about whether to take feeders or baths down or not. You’ll find many sources promoting both views. I don’t have feeders on site because I’m actively planting natives instead but I do have a bath and plan to add more this year. They get fresh water daily and a good bleach scrub weekly.
lycosid t1_jadqnec wrote
I was so excited for my ChipDrop last year but they couldn’t fit in my alley! Instead I got a wood chipper and have been having a great time chipping away all winter.
Better-Limit-4036 t1_jae46ik wrote
What do you feed them? I’ve had luck with almonds and peanuts. I heard they like eggs too
manyamile t1_jae898j wrote
Only peanuts so far. I wanted to limit it to a single food until they associate it with my presence.
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