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Schmergenheimer t1_j9x9090 wrote

What are you looking for in a space? If you just want a table, you could try coffee shops, but it would be rude not to buy something every hour or so. While the table itself is "free," someone is still paying rent, and they pay rent by you buying coffee.

If you want a table, access to a copier for occasional prints, and a space nobody would bother you for several hours, you could try the library.

If you want a table, access to a copier, a conference room, a place you can leave stuff overnight, and a break room, expect to pay. If someone has land to put something like that on, they're not letting the public use it for free. Nobody is sitting on an office they're going to just open the doors to.


DefaultSubsAreTerrib t1_j9xzrre wrote

For comparison, $3 coffee * twice a day * 20 business days in a month = $120. That is already greater than the "pay-as-you-go" monthly membership dues at gather (which includes free coffee all day).

Op should just join a paid co-working space.


darockerj t1_j9y57lj wrote

this is how i justified it as well. plus, cafés are typically noisier and less comfortable to sit at for long periods of time. i could do a morning or afternoon at a coffee shop, but certainly not a whole day.


DefaultSubsAreTerrib t1_j9y6a5a wrote


Conversely, I think I would enjoy my local coffeeshop a lot more if I could get a seat while I eat. Instead, it's clogged by WFH-types exploiting the false economy of the coffeeshop bench.


darockerj t1_j9y6fvo wrote

yeah, that’s fair. there a coffee shop i go to in nova that’s often just a sea of people on laptops - i think i’ve seen people there just chatting maybe once or twice.