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augie_wartooth t1_ja5jh64 wrote

Damn, it sucks that your manager made you put up with that! People are terrible.


hissing_mosquito t1_ja8ilzt wrote

This was about 15 years ago. They came in every so often as a large group of about 20. The first time they came in, was when they said they didn’t want any black people waiting on them. They only said it to the host and none of us told management because 15 years ago, the “customer is always right” attitude was really catered to so we figured management wouldn’t care. It wasn’t until after they left that management found out about what they said and they had our backs and said the next time they came in, they couldn’t make that request and we could ask them to leave. The next time they came in, they didn’t say anything about not wanting a black server but we always made sure to have the black, gay server wait on them just to make them as uncomfortable as possible.