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LordLandis t1_ja844rm wrote

This makes me oddly sad. Even though I rarely use it since I don't enter the mall from that side, I love the underpass. It feels like a neat, semi-secret, cool thing, and I wish we had more things like it.


WhalerBum t1_ja8fifh wrote

I watched so many tractor trailers crash into that overpass as a kid.


freetimerva t1_ja8rwrg wrote

Dang I didn't think this would bum me out like that. Used to skateboard and ride my bike thru that tunnel all the time as a kid.


Wiltonator t1_ja9n017 wrote

First the monuments and now the cool mall underpass. What’s next?! /s


freetimerva t1_ja9xla6 wrote

I almost got hit on my skateboard 1000 times over the years. But never there. You start at the top on Parham and carve down into the parking lot.. so you had to wait for traffic to clear. Though there was way less traffic then.


dantastic0 t1_jaa76lb wrote

Oh man, I use this ramp pretty often. I always feel I’m making a slick getaway from traffic when I go through it. Lol.


cliprite t1_jaafgxe wrote

I always honk my horn when going through there. The echo is fun


AgentGuig t1_jaap1eh wrote

Damn, I feel like I just lost a friend. I've lived near Regency for the last 23 years now and would almost exclusively use that when going to the mall. Hell, I still use it constantly when making the occasional Panera run.


Freseper t1_jab4jle wrote

So I wonder what will become of that little triangle of land?


philosofik t1_jab4lcj wrote

My kids always called it the "secret tunnel," despite the huge amount of graffiti evidencing the fact that it was not at all a secret.


BritOnTheRocks t1_jab832a wrote

It’s funny, in spite of living right around the corner from the underpass for 7 years, I never actually used it. I always found it easier to turn left on Holly Hill. Now I’m sad I didn’t.