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BureauOfBureaucrats t1_je9yhxz wrote

Did the owner’s ego finally spill out into the streets?


[deleted] t1_jea5pr0 wrote



alcollet t1_jeb3wpv wrote

Chiming in that he told us he liked feet, but our feet were busted and ugly lmao


s3rndpt t1_jecp2wn wrote

JFC. Could he be any more disgusting?


Enough-Ingenuity-737 t1_jeage0g wrote

I refuse to eat at his donut shops anymore. He’s a sexist pig.


BureauOfBureaucrats t1_jeao8ia wrote

I too refuse to be a patron. Back when I worked food delivery, I declined every order from them. I do not tolerate sexism or shitty bosses or stupid public tantrums on business social media. They’re a cesspit of all three of those.


MrImBoredAgain t1_jeehz5w wrote

Oh my god this was the first thing I read this morning and I laughed so hard I threw up that last shot i took before bed last night. Very well done lol