Submitted by zappiestspark t3_126n8td in rva

Hey sorry I know this is not the next picture but there was a full hazmat team along with police and fire at Sugar Shack on Tuesday around 4 and I still haven’t seen anything online oh what happened. Does anyone have any clue?



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fusion260 t1_je9vain wrote

Hazmat could be there simply because someone accidentally mixed bleach with ammonia (like what happened at Union Market last year) or something else. They're just the crew that has the appropriate protective gear and experience to go in and deal with it and make sure the building is safe for people to go back into.

If it wasn't on the news and didn't break out into social media, chances are it wasn't anything significant.


jonfin826 t1_je9xkb5 wrote

Someone must have spit on the donuts again


fusion260 t1_je9yij7 wrote

It is, if that's what it was, but it wasn't. Bleach and ammonia make chloramine gas, not mustard gas; the latter requires additional components that I won't list here.

Chloramine gas is still dangerous until it's dealt with and the space is fully ventilated, but not to the power and severity and immediate danger that mustard gas has.

That said, again, as a PSA to everyone: do not mix bleach with anything else other than water.


WontArnett t1_je9z001 wrote

Probably has to do with them serving donuts off of the ground again.


chexsmix96 t1_jea1842 wrote

I saw this too and was wondering what happened?!?


PancakesAndAss t1_jea3u11 wrote

I worked next door to a Starbucks that had a pepper spray fire off in someone's purse and the same response happened.


Kononeko t1_jea4k8r wrote

I always knew their donuts were bad, but not this bad...


batkave t1_jea8he6 wrote

Gives new definition to their toxic workplace


LordLandis t1_jea9v68 wrote

Nope. Chemistry is too woke or something. /s

Not knowing what's in what makes it hard to avoid accidents unless you take time to read the MSDS, which I wager most people won't do.


AnnPoltergeist t1_jeaadch wrote

i’m not vegan at all and i don’t care if other people are, but i definitely think it is funny when people hate on vegans because you sound like my 74-year-old grandpa complaining about his neighbor driving a Japanese car, like dude how out of touch are you, move on with your life haha


Smallberrians t1_jeajry6 wrote

Looks like Gorgeous George crapped his pants again.


cloudk1ds t1_jeamjo9 wrote

I was treated very poorly by an associate over the phone. It was so bad that I refuse to be in the same room with these donuts. They are average at best with a bunch of stuff tossed on top. I won't support them.


SecureCap6661 t1_jeat3tk wrote

Country Style Donuts on Williamsburg road makes better donuts and they have better hours. Oh, and they won't sexually harass their employees and high school students, unlike the chode that owns Sugar Shack.

Treat Shoppe on Jahnke rd ALSO better donuts, AND food, and they serve ice cream and fun county fair foods and snacks. Bonus - it's Black Owned. And again, haven't heard of anyone there spitting in the food or sexually harassing people. Oh, and they hire the otherwise abled.

Two very fine donut shops that support the local economy without supporting a pedo -minded sexist pig and spit in food.


Obvious_Bat_5547 t1_jeateka wrote

Damn I didn’t know all this about sugar shack guess I’ll get donuts elsewhere 😂🥴


PenEast4819 t1_jeb4wm5 wrote

Dude thank you for dropping the recommendations , I went to sugar shack last week and it was the mostly horrible experience, the donuts I got looked like someone put old icing on the on them and it was so gross 🤢. Coupled with the owner being a weirdo( I didn’t know this until this thread) I will never be going there again.


FromTheIsle t1_jebdzir wrote

Donuts Company on Midlothian is super friendly and has good old fashioned style doughnuts.

The Treat Shop on Jahnke has great (deadly) fried sweet treats as well.


Stewkirk51 t1_jebeedk wrote

I remember learning about it in 7th grade. It wasn't in chemistry class, it was because we all read A Child Called It. It was a memoir from someone who experienced horrific child abuse. One of the things his mom did was mix ammonia and bleach and make him clean the bathroom, breathing in the toxic fumes.


VinyardDog t1_jebqwhr wrote

Cleaning up all the spit they put in food?


EdgeOfTheMtn t1_jebtb8a wrote

United States: GHS compliant labels and SDSs are required for many applications including laboratory chemicals, commercial cleaning agents, and other workplace cases regulated by previous US Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) standards. First widespread implementation set by OSHA was on March 26, 2012, requiring manufacturers to adopt the standard by June 1, 2015 and product distributors to adopt the standard by December 1, 2015. Workers had to be trained by December 1, 2013. In the US, GHS labels are not required on most hazardous consumer grade products (ex. laundry detergent) however some manufacturers which also sell the same product in Canada or Europe include GHS compliant warnings on these products too.


brandywine_whistler t1_jebzz00 wrote

I always prefer country style, but have encountered some racist a$$ comments at the Wburg location. Thankfully that employee isn’t there anymore. She basically hated black customers and admitted this to me one day out of nowhere.


Rec4LMS t1_jecghj6 wrote

At John Rolfe Middle school in the 80’s, we had a cool science teacher that did a lot of science experiments. She explained the proper way to mix alkaline and acid. We also got to break fruit that had been frozen in liquid nitrogen.


JaceThePowerBottom t1_jeckvah wrote

If anyone is looking for a similar vibe and lives north of Richmond. Freddy donuts in Fredericksburg has a very similar style and my understanding is they're under different management.


Stewkirk51 t1_jed1x8d wrote

Trying to make kids appreciate their lives more? Learning empathy? I do remember that 9/11 happened at the beginning of my 7th grade year. I don't know if that affected the curriculum at all. Take it up with my English teacher I suppose.


RVA804guys t1_jee81wq wrote

That’s awesome! My freshman year I had Ms. Shirey for Biology and that was the best class I’ve ever had.

She was interested, knowledgeable, engaging, and reasonable; something I craved as a kid and still look for today in mentors.