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ExtremeHobo t1_jea0cgg wrote

You have to stop if someone is in the crosswalk and not directly in front of you.

For example in Carytown if someone is crossing and in the left lane but you are in the right you can't just wizz by them, you need to stop even though you won't hit them.


EmergencyYoung OP t1_jea2wrc wrote

Right, if they are IN the crosswalk, all lanes have to stop, and passing the stopped vehicle is illegal


Cactuscouch757 t1_jea68ar wrote

At almost every pedestrian crossing in Richmond you have to be IN the crosswalk(toe over the curb at minimum, but typically a parking space width) just to see traffic around parked cars. Cars should be stopping more often.


rockerchyc t1_jeb2pfm wrote

You do not know how many times I could not see a car approaching because of the cars that are parked on the side of the street. I live off of Cary, so I walk or sometimes scoot to classes considering how conveniently close everything is. The worst thing about living in the city without a car is definitely having to worry about the cars as a pedestrian/scooter.