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TheDonkinator OP t1_jdx43uc wrote

Wow. Thanks for all this info. I wasn’t aware that modern heat pumps had become efficient enough to compete with geothermal operating costs.


gracetw22 t1_jdxy0d7 wrote

I looked into it because I was willing to pay slightly more for a system since I’d worked on a farm with one that was THE BEST, and I was informed it would be around 50k more to install and maybe save me 20 bucks a month. I think it is best served in new construction with high needs and a lot of easily accessible space that’s already getting dug up


TheDonkinator OP t1_jdy8dhk wrote

I was interested for the rumored efficiency and reduction in carbon footprint. I have enough yard for the wells, but would definitely have to take down/rebuild some fence to let the equipment through. If the 15-20 SEER heat pumps are now able to heat through a VA winter without needing the auxiliary heat, I think they’ll be a significant enough improvement from our 25 year old AC and gas boiler system that I’ll see the reduced install cost as a win.


dustinator t1_jdx4n0d wrote

To the best of my knowledge it’s still not quite there but you’d be hard pressed to see a ROI on geothermal these days. Check out what Bosh has to offer. Their 20 SEER equipment is nuts


Charlesinrichmond t1_jdxoi5z wrote

I've heard good things you like it?


dustinator t1_jdxpdwy wrote

I saw 94° heat with no strips at the registers on a 12° morning after about 15 minutes run time. Wish I had put one in my house but I didn’t want to be a Guinea pig


Charlesinrichmond t1_je0bq97 wrote

I did that with splits at a house this winter. Gree. But I've heard a lot of great things about the Bosch, and claims the error codes etc are great - like it gives you the high and low pressure.

I'm really intrigued. No strips inverter on the regular size heat pumps is clearly the future